Reporting Made Easy


Will you have to learn something new in order to start using MedOLAP products? What is the number one analytical tool used by most business today? An Excel spreadsheet. We at MedOLAP want to help your company optimize your big data needs into the easiest user format possible. Our IT professionals with business and financial backgrounds transform your data originating from EMR, CRM, billing system, PBX, etc… and make it accessible from multiple locations and devices. Your users only need MS Excel and an Internet connection to access your cube. The entirety of your transactions becomes available immediately at your fingertips. The size of the data does not matter ­ the data is delivered on demand, whenever you need it. You are ready to build your first financial report just in a few seconds.

Still in doubt on how to start? No worries. Our financial analysts with extensive knowledge of the healthcare industry can teach you how to build any complex report in a short amount of time. We are available to help you every step of the way, from a quick question where to find a dimension to wanting us to build a completely new report out of your cube ­ just give us a buzz and we’ll be happy to help. Here at MedOLAP we love reports!

Ok, you’ve built your fancy reports, but your data is not static ­ it changes every minute. How do you ensure company executives look at the most recent data? The solution is simple: once a report is built, there is no need to rebuild or download it afterwards. Your data warehouse is connected. Just hit the refresh button and all your charts and tables are up to date.